Image: Theresa Pewal 


OCTOBER 30 | 6:30 PM


As part of the concert evening “Vineyard Tales” (ger: Rebenerzählungen) ANNEA (Andrea Edlbauer – saxophone & Barbara Maria Neu – clarinet) offers an insight into the Austrian wine landscape. Through their compositions, the two musicians artistically represent nine typical wine varieties. Each wine has its own personality, its own temperament, its own nature. Inspired by an intensive exploration of the essence of the wines they set to music, the artists focus on their distinct characteristics. The two musicians compose the music, while the author writes a poetic description for each wine, where the different wines are portrayed as human characters. Both music and text are based on the almost personified traits of the respective wine varieties. The two artists combine their acoustic instruments with the use of a loop station, which they operate live on stage. The texts are interwoven in coordination with the music.

During the event, there will be a wine tasting of the wines featured in the compositions.


About the Artists

Barbara Maria Neu is a clarinetist and performance artist based in Vienna. In her artistic work, she explores the connections between music, performing, performance, and visual arts, as well as the interweaving of classical approaches with contemporary forms of development. Her works address themes such as vulnerability, resilience, strength, and acceptance, as well as their coherence. Most recently, her solo performance Von Gläsernen Himmelsscherben (“Of Glassy Heavenly Shards”) was presented at the Music Theatre Days Vienna (2023) at WUK. Since 2021, she has performed regularly with the ensembles MERVE and ANNEA , including at the opening of the European Capital of Culture 2024 in Bad Ischl. Her debut performance, Stalltänze (“Barn Dances,” 2020), was presented both as a video work and as a stage performance, taking her to various venues such as MuTh Vienna, Transart Bozen, and Schaumbad Graz. She has also given concerts and performances in various formations at venues including the Vienna Musikverein, Wiener Konzerthaus, the Austrian Cultural Forum in New York, the Saalfelden Jazz Festival, and the Berlin Jazzfest. She has also worked as a substitute with the ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra. In 2020, Barbara Maria Neu received the Start Scholarship for Music and Performing Arts from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts and Culture. She studied classical clarinet in the concert field and instrumental and vocal pedagogy (IGP) in Linz, Graz, and Vienna, including with Gerald Pachinger. She is currently studying performative arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna with Carola Dertnig.


Andrea Edlbauer sees herself as a musician, teacher and creative artist. Her work focuses on progressive and contemporary projects. She has toured Austria with the formation ANNEA and the Rebenerzählungen and performed at the Horizonte Festival in Landeck and the New Year’s Jazz Festival in Feldkirch, for example. With the band MERVE she released the album Ich war einmal on the classical music label Gramola, which was presented at festivals such as Musica Sacra Linz and the opening of the Cultural Capital Salzkammergut 2024. Concerts with the saxophone-piano Duo Edlbauer Kuzo were on the program in 2024 via the IGNM Austria or the Alte Schmiede Vienna. Commissioned compositions are regularly written for the duo. In July 2024, the duo also performed on stage together with Frau Thomas (aka Conchita Wurst) and Herr Martin as part of the Salzkammergut Capital of Culture. Andrea completed the postgraduate course “New Music Ensemble” at the Joseph Haydn Institute of the MDW Vienna in 2022/23 with the Duo Edlbauer Kuzo. She previously studied at the MUK Vienna with Michael Krenn and at the Bruckner University Linz with Peter Rohrsdorfer. She has been teaching saxophone at the Upper Austrian State Music School since 2014. The saxophonist is a 2020 BKA scholarship holder for young artists in the fields of music and performing arts.



This event is made possible by the generous support of our sponsors: Schloss Gobelsburg, Dorli Muhr, Hans & Anita Nittnaus, Fritz Wieninger und Winkler-Hermaden


Oct 30 2024

Tue ‒ Thu: 09am ‒ 07pm
Fri ‒ Mon: 09am ‒ 05pm

Adults: $25
Children & Students free

673 12 Constitution Lane Massillon
781-562-9355, 781-727-6090