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Grants and Scholarships

  /  Grants and Scholarships

Database for scholarships & grants

The Austrian database provides students, graduates and researchers with information on national and international scholarships and grants.

Call for Applications

Scholarships at the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts 

The International Summer Academy of Fine Arts is pleased to receive applications for the 2025 course programme, entitled Diversity of the Future. Here, spaces are opened up to provide teachers and students with a place where they can devote themselves fully to their diverse artistic work and thinking. The motto is intended to foster hope in times of uncertainty and to explore possible futures. 19 courses will be held in the two locations: Hohensalzburg Fortress and the Untersberg quarry.

More information about the application and the numerous scholarships can be found here! Deadline: April, 1 2025.

Intercultural Achievement Award 2025

The Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs is calling for applications for the Intercultural Achievement Award (IAA) 2025. This prestigious award honors innovative and successful projects in the field of intercultural and interreligious dialogue—both in Austria and worldwide. The IAA supports projects of all sizes, whether implemented by organizations or individuals, in the fields of Arts/Culture, Youth, Human Rights, Global Citizenship Education, Integration, and Gender Equality. Eligible applicants include non-profit and commercial organizations as well as individuals from civil society.

Award Categories:

  • Sustainability – Best ongoing project on environment & intercultural/religious dialogue
  • Recent Events – Best project related to a current event
  • Technology – Best use of technology in an intercultural/religious project
  • Innovation – Most innovative intercultural/religious project
  • Media – Best media contribution for intercultural/religious understanding
  • Religious Freedom – Best project promoting religious freedom & peaceful coexistence

Selection and Award Presentation:

Applications received by April 30, 2025 at the latest will be checked for completeness by the task force. An independent jury in Vienna consisting of experts in the field of intercultural and interreligious dialogue will make the final selection of winners. There will be one winner per category. The award ceremony is scheduled to take place in fall 2025. The awardees will be invited to attend the ceremony as well as networking events and visits in Vienna. The ceremony will be hybrid, allowing all participants to attend virtually.


Please use the Application Form. All questions must be answered in English in a clear and precise manner (clarity), be structured (detail and focus) and should convince the reader of the project purpose and objectives (persuasiveness). If possible, please fill out the word document digitally and refrain from sending us a scan of the printed out application form filled in by hand. Send your application per e-mail to

Deadline: 30 April 2025

Tue ‒ Thu: 09am ‒ 07pm
Fri ‒ Mon: 09am ‒ 05pm

Adults: $25
Children & Students free

673 12 Constitution Lane Massillon
781-562-9355, 781-727-6090