In Radical Animation, different forms of animation will be investigated in talks and workshops featuring the Israeli-born Austrian artist Airan Berg. The role of animation in the (performing) arts is a central one. On Bali, masked dancers (Wayang Topeng) and shadow puppeteers (Wayang Kulit) animate the spirits of the ancestors back to life in order to enter the masks and puppets and bring life to them. Actors give life to characters on stages and in film. Animators by and/or with computer animate millions of images to create movement in cartoons. And artists involved with participatory projects animate small or large scale processes and the people involved in them. The anima, the soul, is at the core of artistic creation. Radical Animation will investigate different forms of animation and examine the interactivity and redefinition of artist-public relationships as well as the notion of empowerment and human/community development.
An overview of the individual talks & workshops:
October 27, 3 PM – 5 PM
New York School of Visual Arts (New York)
136 West 21st St. Room 410F
October 28, 1 PM – 3 PM
Brown University & Trinity Rep (Providence)
46 Abron Street
October 29, 10 AM – 3 PM
Brown University & Trinity Rep (Providence)
46 Abron Street
November 1, 1 PM – 3 PM
Brown University & Trinity Rep (Providence)
46 Abron Street
Airan Berg was born in Tel Aviv. He attended the American International School in Vienna and studied at the Brown University in Providence, USA, where he completed his Bachelor of Arts Degree in theater arts in 1984. He gained his first experience in professional theatre on Broadway in New York as an assistant to Harold Prince. His work experience in Austria includes positions as assistant director and co-director at the Burgtheater. In 1990, he spent a year as in-house director at the Schillertheater in Berlin. He founded Theater Ohne Grenzen and the international puppet theatre festival Die Macht des Staunens. From 2001 to 2007 Arian Berg was artistic director of Schauspielhaus Wien GmbH.
The talks and seminars will include descriptions of concrete projects, especially the work Airan Berg has created for Linz09 – European Capital of Culture and the large scale participatory and inclusive project he is currently developing for the Burgtheater Vienna, the national theatre of Austria.