Maja Haderlap’s Angel of Oblivion is a groundbreaking novel based on the author’s own family story as part of the Slovenian-speaking minority in southern Austria and that community’s struggle against the Nazis during World War II. The novel was awarded several prestigious awards including the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize. For her outstanding translation of a sample text, translator, editor, and literary critic Tess Lewis was presented the 2015 ACFNY Translation Prize. The ACFNY is proud to host the official book launch together with Archipelago Books.
Further events and readings with Maja Haderlap and Tess Lewis will take place in New York City, Washington, DC, Boston, and Pittsburgh. For an overview, please click here.
This event will take place on our Rooftop Terrace. Space is limited. Access to this event will only be possible upon prior reservation.
Fingerfood, refreshments and Austrian wine will be served.
Maja Haderlap, born in Eisenkappel/Zelezna Kapla (Austria), studied theatre studies and German at the University of Vienna. From 1992 to 2007 she was Head of Dramaturgy at the Municipal Theatre of Klagenfurt and holds annual classes at the Institute for Applied Cultural Sciences at the Alpen Adria University. Since 2008 she has lived and worked as a freelance author in Klagenfurt. She has published volumes of poetry and essays in Slovenian and German, and translations from Slovenian. Angel of Oblivion is her first novel. A German-language adaptation premiered at Vienna’s Akademietheater in September 2015. Her awards include the Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis 2011, the Buchpreis der Stiftung Ravensburger Verlag 2011, the Bruno-Kreisky-Preis für das Politische Buch 2011, the Rauriser Literaturpreis 2012, and the Vinzenz-Rizzi-Preis 2013. A Slovenian language theatrical adaptation of the novel, Angel Posabe, was staged by the Slovenian National Theater in 2014. With the support of the Bundeskanzleramt/Kultur, Maja Haderlap is currently a writer-in-residence at Deutsches Haus/NYU.
Tess Lewis’s translations from French and German include works by Peter Handke, Anselm Kiefer, Philippe Jaccottet, and Jean-Luc Benoziglio. She was awarded the 2015 ACFNY Translation Prize for her translation of the novel Angel of Oblivion by the Austrian writer Maja Haderlap and most recently a Guggenheim Fellowship to translate the Swiss writer, Ludwig Hohl. She serves as an Advisory Editor for The Hudson Review and writes essays and reviews of European literature. In 2014 and 2015, Ms. Lewis curated Festival Neue Literatur, New York City’s premier annual festival of German-language literature in English.
More information:
For inquiries and to be put on the waiting list, please write to Edith Hoelzl.