Slavko Ninić originates from Croatia (presentation, guitar, vocals)
Hidan Mamudov from Macedonia clarinet (vocals)
Maria Petrova from Bulgaria (drums, darabouka)
Mitke Sarlandžiev from Macedonia (accordion)
Jovan Torbica from Serbia (double-bass)
The Wiener Tschuschenkapelle*) is a band of talented musicians based in Vienna but hailing from all over the Balkans though reflecting its rich musical traditions with some jazzy interpretations and “Wiener Schmäh” (“Viennese charme”). They have been performing for 25 years and touring not only across Europe, but overseas as well. In January they are heading to New York for the first time.
Vienna has always been a melting pot for people from Southeast Europe. They came as ‘guest- workers’, refugees or migrants making Vienna their second home which, consequently, has resulted in an enormous economic and cultural enrichment of the city. Part of it is the very creative but also ambivalent, relationship between the diaspora and the various countries the people originate from. The same applies for New York as the legendary gateway to the New World. For both cities, immigration became the norm a long time ago.
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