“Lenin: Icebreaker Revisited” posits the question: Does utopia still have a social function?

We invite you to join a panel discussion moderated by the curator Olga Kopenkina featuring participating artists Yevgeniy FiksJim Finn, Austrian author and journalist Susanne Scholl.

Curated by Olga Kopenkina, “Lenin: Icebreaker Revisited” introduces works in a variety of media from nine artists hailing from Russia, Austria, and the United States. Amy Balkin’s ongoing project, A People’s Archive of Sinking and Melting, displays objects found in areas experiencing rising sea levels or landerosion, and includes a Russian contribution.

Three works by Judith Fegerl examine the navigation of temporal and spatial reality and myth by way of soundand sculpture. Drawings and sculptures by Leonid Tishkov show deep-seadivers as a metaphor for the “forgotten utopia” as the early Soviet avant-garde envisioned it.

Conversely, the abandoned and seemingly obsolete appears in American Lisa Kereszi’s Governors Island series of photographs depicting the island’s current state after decades of serving as a military site. A slide projection and videos by Lisi Raskin show images of human-made environments and landscapes in Lithuania and Afghanistan, marred by Soviet construction, in an installation modeled on an American living room.

An installation by Yevgeniy Fiks features images of locations in Moscow named after revolutionary leaders, which between the 1940s and 1980s served as secret meeting points for gay people. These photographs are directly attached to the volumes of Vladimir Lenin’s writings, translated and published by the American Communist Party.

A recent film by Austrian artist Isa Rosenberger tells the fictional story of a Soviet naval officer who immigrates to America amidst an eternal afterlife debate between Nixon and Khrushchev. Jim Finn’s film Encounters with your Inner Trotsky Child constructs the “utopia” of personal salvation using a language that combines hyperbolic Communist rhetoric, lo-fi video effects, and a 1980s’aerobics video.

Another video work, Marko Lulić’s Sacrifice, documents a modern choreography which pays tribute to Stravinsky’s seminal ballet piece The Rite of Spring, the conclusion of which serves as the starting point of a journey toward a better future.




Oct 29 2021

Tue ‒ Thu: 09am ‒ 07pm
Fri ‒ Mon: 09am ‒ 05pm

Adults: $25
Children & Students free

673 12 Constitution Lane Massillon
781-562-9355, 781-727-6090