Virtual Performance | PHONOFEMME 2021
October 1, 2021 at 1 PM EST / 7 PM CET
International platform for women in sound art and experimental music (biennial, since 2009)
Watch the recorded event below:
PhonoFemme Festival 2021 explores the privatization of public space.
The festival features Peta Klotzberg, Katherina Liberovskaya, Tracy Lisk, Zahra Mani, Phill Niblock and Mia Zabelka. It has been held every two years since 2009, conceived by female composers and musicians Zahra Mani and Mia Zabelka.
PhonoFemme 2021 deals with the public space. According to the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek, public space is becoming increasingly privatized and lost in the process. Especially on the Internet, according to Slavoj Zizek, the privatization of the public sphere (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) can be observed in a drastic way. In 2021, PhonoFemme will link the public space of the city of Vienna with the radio space at Ö1 Kunstradio and thus expand the urban space around the radio space.
In the run-up to the festival, the invited artists will make sound explorations in public space: In places that have special acoustics, the artists will perform live and/or create sound installations. Due to the current situation, all performances in public space, radio space and virtual space will take place as live streamings in cooperation with Experimental Intermedia New York.
Ö1 Kunstradio will present the radio works created especially for the radio room.
10/01/2021, 7PM CET/1PM EST: Phonofemme Vienna and Experimental Intermedia New York – Online Event – with Phill Niblock, Katherine Liberovskaya, Daniel Neumann
10/02/2021, 7PM CET: Phonofemme Vienna Open Air / Aspern Seestadt – with Rahel Kraft, Zahra Mani, Peta Klotzberg, Christian Tschinkel, Mia Zabelka
10/03/2021, 11PM CET/5PM EST: Phonofemme Vienna On Air / ORF Ö1 Kunstradio – with Rahel Kraft, Zahra Mani, Peta Klotzberg, Christian Tschinkel, Mia Zabelka, Viv Corringham, Phill Niblock, Tracy Lisk
With the support of Stadt Wien Kultur, District 1220 Vienna, Austrian Cultural Forum New York.
Katherine Liberovskaya (US / CA) is a Canadian video artist living in New York and Montreal. She is best known for her experimental video works. Her work is included in the collections of the National Gallery of Canada and Videography in Montreal.
Phil Niblock (USA) is a New York-based minimalist composer, multimedia musician, and artistic director of Experimental Intermedia, an experimental art foundation in New York. He is often referred to as the “forgotten minimalist.”
Daniel Neumann (DE/ USA) is a Brooklyn-based sound artist, curator and sound engineer originally from Germany. He holds a Master’s degree in Media Arts from the Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts and also studied electronic music composition with Emanuele Casale in Catania, Italy. In his artistic practice, he uses conceptual and often collaborative strategies to explore sound, sonic material and their modulation through space, situation and media. Curatorially, he leads a series of events in NYC and Berlin (CT::SWaM) that explore spatial sound works and focused listening.
Mia Zabelka (AT) is known for the exquisite sensitivity of her music and very authentic sound production that simultaneously adheres to and breaks the traditional rules of composition. She is an Austrian contemporary violinist, improviser and composer with cross-cultural family roots. Extensively trained in classical music from a young age, she opened the traditional understanding of the violin as a solo and ensemble instrument to improvisation, experimental music and sound art. Mia Zabelka is currently the artistic director of the PhonoFemme Festival Vienna and the Klanghaus Untergreith in the region of Southern Styria.